Tuesday, August 20, 2013

FULL MOON Manifesting with the Moon Cycles

Many of us are aware of the moon phases and how they affect us.  Others, as I used to be, don’t notice the phases of the moon and their impact on our lives.  

Think of the power the moon has on the ocean and waves, on psychological and emotional issues in people, and on the Emergency Rooms and hospitals all over the country.  I learned a few years ago about the power of the moon cycles and their influence on manifesting.  We can capitalize on these phases and connect closely and align our intentions with Grandmother Moon’s assistance.  The two main phases of the moon are the Full moon and the New moon.

Full Moon

The Full moon is the time of releasing.  It is when the moon is fullest and starts to wane or get smaller.  We can release what no longer serves us, like beliefs, emotions of guilt and shame, excess weight, fears and worries, past traumas, unforgiveness and on and on.  There is no limit to what we can release.
In this cycle of the moon it is getting smaller and so it is that we become lighter as we release what no longer serves us.  We free ourselves of the burdens and excess baggage that have pressured us and weighed us down. Remember how powerful your thoughts and words are in manifesting.  At this time you want to phrase your intentions and affirmations in a releasing way.  If you want to lose weight your affirmation would be, “I release excess weight.”  If you want to have more money, you would affirm, “I release all my bills and fears of lack.”
During the Full moon phase and even more powerfully, on the night of the Full moon, you can perform a ceremony or ritual to use this important time and energy to release.   

You can release burdens and blocks that prevent you from connecting fully with your true Spirit of joy and peace.  

Feel free to ask your Angels and Guides for other ways to release if the below process doesn’t work for you.
First you want to go outside and find an object of nature, like a rock, leaf, flower, stick, whatever.  Once you find an object you want to ask the object if it is willing to hold all that you want to release and change it’s home for you.  Remember every object, whether in nature or in your home, has life force energy in it. We always want to be respectful.  When you intuitively get your blessing from the object, you want to sit alone and hold the object in your hand.  Think about what you want to release.  Picture yourself putting these old unhealthy beliefs, fears, worries, situations, feelings, objects and people into your receptive object of nature.  When it is full and you feel like it is complete, cover the object in a tissue and go to a place where you can release it.  Wooded areas, oceans, ponds, and lakes are awesome.  Stand in front of the water or woods and say a prayer thanking the things you are releasing for the lessons they have taught you. Then freely and happily throw the object into the water or woods releasing it completely maybe with a loud Woo Woo or Yee Haa of excitement.  Feel the freedom and peace wash over you.  You are truly lighter and the burdens you’ve been carrying are GONE!  Thank your angels and guides and the object you threw for their assistance in this process.
If you don’t live near bodies of water or woods, it is powerful to release into fire, also.  The last day of my 3 day course we burn the worries we have put in the Worry box in the outdoor fireplace. You write down what you want to release and as above, thank it for the lessons and throw it into the fire.  You can even write down what you want to release on toilet paper and flush it into the toilet!  It all works the same way.  The whole point is to get these things you need to release out of your physical body in a physical action.  When they are buried in our mind or body they are just under the surface waiting to be triggered.  

When we release what no longer serves us, it clears the way for all kinds of blessings.  

You can also connect  with Archangel Haniel  to help you release and Detox

With Love

Angel Intuitive
Certified Angel Card ReaderTM

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